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Warrior Trading // Ross Cameron // Day Trade Warrior

All right. So I'm going to recap the trades from today. We finished the week strong. This was a great week.

Perhaps one of the best weeks of the year so far. It's early in the year of course, but uh, of course Wednesday we had ho went up over 3,000% which was insane. Yesterday we had the big Move on S that was about 700% so it's like we're seeing back-to-back big moves today. We do have a couple big percentage gainers.

those are reverse splits. If we filter those out, our leading percentage Gainer is top. The second leader is Inbs. both are at 100% Got a couple penny stocks that are up as well.

Um, some nice action there on Nstg and Sunw had some nice action as well. So let's see, Sunw is up here. 186% gain on the day. So we do have some action which is good.

This is what we're looking for. We need volatility. That equals opportunity. All right.

So finishing the day with $3,692 that's a great finish to the Friday you know, great finish to the week? I'm happy with that. I I'm still not really tracking where I'm at on the year I'm just not looking closely. I'm keeping my head down I'm grinding just locking up days like this. back to back to back to back.

So I'm feeling good about that. Uh, you know I've had a couple red days here and there but trying not to sweat over it. Just let it be water under the bridge. Bounce back, rally back on the next, uh, the next day and I guess one thing that I'll add uh is that.

so if you recall yesterday, I made my way to up about $6,000 6,500 and then I gave back half of it off the top I was sort of overtrading I I felt like there was more opportunity but I just kind of kept like paper cut paper cut paper cut and then I had given back half So there was a part of me that really wanted to keep trading so I could get back to up you know, 45 55 maybe 6,500 and I just got to a point where I was like, you know my next best chance of that happening is tomorrow. So I sit down this morning and within like 20 minutes of sitting down, I was already up $1,000 on top. and then next thing you know I take a couple more trades and I'm at 3,000 on the day. Which puts me back if you included yesterday to 6, you know, $500 between the two days and so all of a sudden it's like I'm back to that number and it felt so easy today.

I didn't have to struggle I wasn't chasing I was just trading and so I think there's something there about just being willing to accept that. Maybe my next best chance of you know, getting back to where I wanted to be is going to be just tomorrow and to be okay with walking away a little off your highs or in the red. All right. So first trade of the day was on top top.

All right. so we're switch to top. We're going to go back um to about 7:45 a.m. that's when I started trading I sat down on the early side and you know top was uh, it was kind of tricky.

it wasn't super super easy but I took my first trade right in here. Okay so we had a double top. as you could see this was resistance at about uh, this blue line was at $5.75 so we had some resistance here. but as we broke over it right here I didn't buy the break of it at 741 I let it break I let it pull back and then I got in right here.
we had first pullback and we had second pullback and in this move right here I made 1,000 bucks so that was my first trade within you know, 15 minutes of sitting down s sat down around 7:30 whatever 735 something like that and that was the first trade so that was nice. Uh, it sold off, came all the way back down to 75. In hindsight, I could have done a dip there off of uh, the previous resistance you know as that held support but I didn't it ends up curling back up squeezing up to a high of um, what was the 634 I didn't trade that either. it pulls back and then goes.

In this long period of being sideways I didn't trade this area at all it was I was like nope, not interested I didn't actually take a trade until we got this, this pullback and this pullback. So then we had first and second pullback right here and I traded on this leg up which was really phenomenal from 620 all the way up to 780. and on that I made another 1,700 bucks. You know.

Again, it's not huge numbers. um, but I didn't take really big share size and I just kind of got some scalp trades on. it. wasn't pushing it too hard.

you can see how it popped up here and then pulled back again. So not the biggest resolution on that first pullback. but anyways, um, made some money on it at the open. it comes up double tops here and then flushes into a halt.

Down Opens sells off more Pops to Vwap. can't break above. it pulls back, pulls back, breaks. Vwap here, can't hold above it back down into weakness.

So with the leading Gaper failing I sort of felt like maybe sentiment was shifting. that was on top. I did get a trade on Laes pre-market a very small trade $92 Nothing. nothing exciting but um, it did end up rallying back up higher I didn't take.

Let's see. oh was it here I can't remember if it was here or here. Let me look at the I Have so many trades today, sometimes it's hard to find that ticker. Um yeah, it was at about 908.

So I did take this trade right here. Um, getting in at about let's see 295 and taking some profit at 305 hit a high of about 315 and then I didn't realize it flushed down that much rallied back up. but kind of gross price action there. So that one hit the scanner has a 1.41 million share float.

I thought all right we'll give it a shot but just did small size on it. Uh and then I had Inbs. Inbs ended up making a pretty big move. Maybe I left some money on the table on this one.

You can see we've got support at this blue ascending trend line here. Uh, but another issue with this double top right right here. It breaks the double top, but let's look at that on a 10-second chart. it it.
It's not actually that clean. It broke right here. It goes up to 480 and then flushes down to 420 jack knife and then it comes back up to 480 and then pushes through flushes again and then just grinds higher in this area with some bottoming tails and Topping Tails Choppy Choppy I didn't want to trade it in this area I didn't trust it after seeing this Kn right there. it ends up going up to 650, flushing down to this level and then it pulls back a little bit more.

so I don't know I did make $200 on it. that was a trade I took pre-market uh today I didn't take actually any trades after the open I only was trading only got pre-market trades. uh I think my pre-market trade on it was right in here as it was popping up. So you know I had the right idea on it.

but I just didn't want to overstay my welcome. You know we had some really solid price action. Uh, yesterday on S and comparatively nothing felt as strong as that. Yesterday was just really phenomenal.

Now for my small account challenge this week! Um, by the way, thank you for those of you guys who have been tuning in to the small account Challenge and who have been subscribing who have been hitting the thumbs up. That is awesome for the channel we are very close to hitting. um 20,000 Thumbs Up So at the first 10,000 thumbs up You help me unlock a new monitor right here. So I got to unlock this monitor I'm still using this one which is broken here on the edges.

um but I said every time we get 10,000 new thumbs up, you'll help me unlock a new piece of inventory. So thank you guys for doing that. And thank you guys who have been hitting the Subscribe button because I said every time we cross over 10,000 new subscribers I reset the account back to 1,000 bucks I Also said that I will be uploading a deep dive on how I use level two in my trading. That's going to be a longer lesson so that's going to be coming soon as well.

So we've got some exciting stuff coming. Um, on the YouTube channel here. But in any case, um, so in Penny Stock world I Said this week I was going to focus on penny stocks. so in an attempt to grow the account, sunw, this was one that I had on watch didn't end up trading it 56 million share float a little higher.

Yesterday it had this well, it's a gravestone dogee uh, it's at the bottom of a move, it pops up, it sells off pretty weak. really ends up gapping up this morning breaking yesterday's high so kind of had that on watch. didn't like it. nstg this is another penny stock priced right now at 35 cents.

I did get some trades on this one, so I'll that'll be included in um, the upcoming small Count Challenge episode. but uh, it's it's holding holding up there pretty well so this one's grinding higher which is good to see. it's definitely higher than where I sold. but in any case, uh, green is good.

So little action on penny stocks today. Mlgo was a really strong one yesterday. you this thing went from 60 cents a share all the way up to almost $2 on circuit breaker halts at the open. So really strong price action there.
Uh, just really, really great to see. But oh oh, and then let's not forget the overall Market the S&P 500 So headlines out: um S&P 500 breaking over 500? um or 5 ,000 on the S&P 500 on Spy So that's you know. Overall Market all-time highs We're in a bull market right now. There's no doubt about it.

It's been a impressive move. It's a rally coming out of a uh, out of a Bare Market which you know as you know was well over a year of Bare Market territory in this area. So statistically, we have strong bull markets coming out of a bare market and uh, we'll see how long this rally continues. But right now we've got um, some nice Tailwinds in the overall market and I think that is trickling down to a juicier Market in in small caps, penny stocks and things like that.

So overall, solid price action. Good to see things moving I think my game plan for the coming week, you know I've been thinking a little bit about this week in terms of did I capitalize as much as I could have on the opportunities that we had. Did I trade with the right share size Could I have been more aggressive? continue to have a little bit of an issue with at times large spreads and poor liquidity which does make it hard to get in and out of positions I Know some of you guys who are using Thinker Swim you know you buy, hit, hit a market order and you get filled between the spread I never get filled between the spread I fill at the ask or I fill on the bid, buying on the ass selling on the bid I mean I try selling the ass but I never get filled between the spread. So you know I when we have stocks that have bigger spreads which we have had over the last couple weeks, it really is hard to size up.

Um, you know hoo I did have a couple of nice trades on it yesterday, but buying on the ask when you've got a 50, 60 Cent spread, it takes some courage to do that even with just a th000 shares to do it with 3,000 or 5,000 shares. I mean you're talking about potentially thousands of dollars in the spread and a $5,000 loss if you end up having to stop out. So I don't know I think I I think I traded pretty well um I don't have fomo for missing Holo at the end of the day because I never would be trading at that time of day. but um I think overall I did pretty well.

but I'll say that if we keep seeing this level of action I'm going to keep asking that question of should I increase my share size Should I dig a Little Deeper Should I show up a little earlier and stay a little longer. This is the time when it counts, right? So I I always feel like I want to push it when it's hot and I get them the best Roi on my time and on that effort And when it's cold, that's when I want to say you know what it's Friday it's You know, maybe I'm just going to take the day off and go do something else right. especially in the summer when the weather's nice. So I think that's really important to know when to lean in, when to be aggressive, and when to just ease off and not try so hard.
Because when you try really, really hard and the Market's slow, you just don't get rewarded for that effort. In fact, you get punished for it many times you generate unnecessary commissions, You get yourself frustrated. potentially you dig yourself a hole, and when you dig yourself a big hole when it's cold, then you spend all that time kind of sulking, being disappointed. You don't feel like you should even take the day off, because now you've got to make up ground.

So now you feel like you really got to grind it out. And then when it finally gets hot, those winners are just recouping losses and you're burnt out. You're not able to fully maximize on it, so it's like it becomes this whole mental cycle that can be really detrimental to long-term success. Of course, how do you get yourself into a positive cycle? You know, how do you transition from being in sort of a negative cycle to a positive cycle? And to me, it begins by focusing on accuracy, focusing on the highest quality setups, so your accuracy improves Because what that usually does is it improves your self-confidence You you start having a day where you sit down, you take three trades, you're green on all three and you're like wow, that was solid.

You do that four or five days in a row or or you know you have losses, but they're really small. but you do that for a stretch and you start to feel like you just really start to feel like things are shifting and confidence is coming back. And even if you're still net, you know in a draw down, the confidence is what's going to bring you back to the top. So anyways, I Hope you found this episode helpful.

If you do, make sure you hit the thumbs up. make sure you subscribe to the channel. and don't forget to check out my Small Account Challenge episode from this week. It's going to be posted right here, so check that out and I'll see you guys back at first thing Monday morning I Want to remind you as always that trading is risky.

My results aren't typical, so manage your risk, take it slow and I'll see you in the morning I'll see you on Monday morning. All right, see you then enjoy the weekend.

25 thoughts on “These 5 stocks went up 100% in one morning”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ustasmotors says:

    Ross hope ill get t there just collecting for yours lessons.lost about $235 k.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! @kawadashogo8258 says:

    I got massacred by TOP. On that plunge where it halted down. It wasn't the worst red day I've ever had, but it was pretty bad. So, red day, red week, for me. Hopefully next week I'll do better. One thing I guess I need to do is reduce my size until I regain some confidence and get back into a green streak.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @xicoamc says:

    Hi Ross, could you please explain how you get this nice layout with the charts, the scanners and the news all in one browser window? Thanks!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @AldoradoLine-zu8uc says:


  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @richardlaporte2913 says:

    You just had great trades on Friday. Pretty good volume on those trades.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ColumbusRealtor says:

    Do you have a platform through which you share your trades in real time?

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @DepilloMendoza says:

    This year is going to be worse than the last, no doubt about it. Due to poor investment decisions that I would not have made if I hadn't been so concerned about my portfolio, I lost a significant amount of money last year. I continued to invest, but I was undecided about whether to begin making house payments. I eventually sold my jobs, and the house required more work than I had anticipated. I'm not sure how much longer I can continue in this manner.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lisan7775 says:

    Great info as always! Thank you

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @JackP100 says:

    Happy to hear that you too asking yourself about, should stay longer or size up etc. Since October I needed to slow down and realize it's not the time to be agresive and now those few day's I was overwhelmed, lots is moving and fast. Thanks Ross for all you do, and stay that way 😀

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Driv300mph says:

    LUNR made a nice 32% move yesterday… Moon launch on 2/14. Check it out!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @marthap.5178 says:

    I miss the Live day morning trading shows .😩

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Mrbullrun says:

    got 2 nice little trade on TOP i could have made more if i wasn't working at the same time 😑 ..my goal is to make enough to leave my job and im sure i could make double what i do just by being home focusing on trading .

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @addertooth1 says:

    I was very modestly positive today. It was all on TOP. I ended up overstaying my welcome with a fresh purchase at 907AM (just before the drop), and gave back much of my profits from earlier trades on TOP. It was like the Cat which had grown tired of being petted, and decided to bite.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ericbrett3444 says:

    But all of the stocks you recommend, have major volatility, that stocks like Nvidia, Meta, MSFT, Lilly and Palo Alto don’t have at all. In fact, if you go down and just get stuck in any of those stocks, it will come back. Why not just put bigger money to move two or three points on one of these great stocks?

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @user-rw3jd1ud8k says:

    Please who can teach me😢

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @taleexband2287 says:

    Thank you for info 🙌 I learned a lot from your videos.I subscribed and looking forward to gain more knowledges from u

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @kevindavis7506 says:

    nice price on a lot of stock's

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @shawnalexander7914 says:

    TOP is on my no trade list due to the fact i lost 2.5k on it last year on my birthday but i did trade it for a small profit today and inbs. But i got jack knifed on inbs after it broke 4.2 and i was down 1k on it and then it curled back up and sold when i got green. Then of course it went to 11.5 a share lol

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tronghungdao251 says:


  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Kmike54 says:

    Thanks Ross! Been following you and learning for 2 years here in the Philippines. I’m breaking even on my p and L. Your advise on accuracy at the end of this video felt like you were talking directly to me. Thanks for everything

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @samurighostdog says:

    Another excellent trade recap. Ross, please consider being more explicit with your share size, and why you chose to enter specific trades with certain size.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @lorealdrayton6164 says:

    NICE!….i understood everything you said with this type of video …..!

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @Buylongsell says:

    Got a small piece of TOP today as well.

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @sandramulvihill8058 says:

    You are awesome, Ross. So happy you are doing these recaps! I miss the chat. I have my account on pause until I have longer hours to trade. Thanks for this. I always appreciate your thoughts about the day 🙏

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @brainforger says:

    A month ago, I didn't even really know what a stock was, but your videos are so instructive, and your small account challenge is so inspiring! I started my own (small) account 2 weeks ago, and I'm already up 80% over my original investment! Your strategies resonate with me and my style. In these last 10 trafing days, I have 70.2% accuracy and 2.35:1 PNL. Things are awesome, and you've given me hope for my future and my family's. Thank you!

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